Posts in Podcast
PODCAST: A Conversation about Racism, Ethnicity, + the Bible

As we've been walking through these difficult times as a church, one of the frequent conversation topics your elders have been having has centered around race, ethnicity, and the bible. Many of you have been asking us, what are we thinking about the current moment, how are we interpreting it, and what does the Bible have to say about it?

The truth is, the Bible has lots to say about this. That's part of the reason why we chose to do a short sermon series this summer, as well as recommend some helpful resources to you as you think through it as well.

We thought it'd be helpful to have a conversation for you to hear our hearts on this topic, and help us think through how to be having the conversation together. It's by no means a full treatment of the topic, but we thought it would be helpful as we continue to talk through these issues together as a church family.

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